Happy hour is upon us..

The weather has changed; snow, and not before time. Need something to cover the ice. Of course the snow has driven everybody indoors; or is it the 3 - 6 happy hours that a lot of places have. 
     It's getting to be a bit of a detective job finding the best places. Some are 2 for 1 but only on 1 or 2 beers; not always evident till it's poured and on the more expensive beers anyway. Other places do it by percentages dropping the price by 25 or 30% once you work out the prices. Still it's cheaper and that's all that matters.
      So, after Jill's disappointing lunch she needed coffee and pancakes;  I had to 'force' down a 5.6% Viking beer at a reasonable £3 discount while she filled in post cards.😁