
Early start again for the last day on Iceland.
Reception had confirmed our pickup for 7am  and assured us that the kitchen would supply some sort of breakfast for 0630am just for us. Didn't really happen but we managed to get enough as it was being put out to fill our bellies before stepping out into -5degC to climb aboard the minibus.

One last look at the landscape as the sun came up and we arrived 80mins later at the airport. Check in and security as easy, 4 flights by Easy Jet scheduled for the morning and at least 12 flights going to the States together with several to Canada and 5 or 6 to Europe. This was winter; dread to think what its like in the summer.

Iceland receives about 1.8 million visitors a year and it only has a population the size of Crewe in the UK; and 2/3's of them live in Reykjavik. The rest around the coast. Nobody lives in the interior which, in the summer, is only accessible by 4WD. 

Would we go back? Oh yes... if we could afford it. Winning the lottery i'd spend a month in both winter and summer, exploring and trying to take picture of the elusive Northern Lights. With over 300 beers on Iceland I'd have something to keep me busy. But there is so much to learn about the culture and folk lore; all amazing stuff for somewhere which was only landed upon in the early 800's.

In some respects its a place that's stood still in time. The language hasn't changed since the 800's; Old Norsk. Everybody speaks the same dialect and even the school kids can read 12th and 13th century manuscripts. 
Would love to go back.

Despite the cost we had to bring something back because we enjoyed it so much. Bit of local artwork, some local fire water (together with suitable drinking vessel) and a few 'snacks' for the next camping weekend.
Over and Out.