Langjökull glacier by truck and snowmobile 🤗

Langjökull (Icelandic for "long glacier") is the second largest ice cap in Iceland and the 4th largest glacier in the world. It is situated in the west of the Icelandic interior; the ice is up to 1900 feet thick and the highest point on the glacier is about 4760 feet above sea level. We were not planning on going that high up but pretty close 😁. 
The coach dropped us off, about 20 of us, at 'base camp' to suit up and climb aboard 'Thunderbird 7' which was to take us up onto the glacier. Ex NATO snow trucks converted to people carriers and big wheels fitted, the truck was fully fitted out to survive and wait out  a storm up on the glacier should we get stuck.
We each got a survival suit, gloves, balaclava, goggles and helmet then climbed aboard the truck to wing its way over 1st the frozen tarmac, gravel roads then up into the snow. It's was -6 degC when we stopped with a wind chill of -15 😱

2 ravens have taken to following the trucks as they come up much higher than ravens would normally fly. Named as Odin's ravens they selectively pick out the nuts they like when the guides feed them, leaving the rest and wanting more of the good ones. When the trucks leave they then eat what's left as well!
After a 10min prep talk it was snowmobile time further up the glacier. Electric start, right hand thumb throttle and heated grips; that was all you needed to know really.
   Riding 2 up we both had to shift our weight at times to help steer the 300 pound machine thru the soft snow and over the frozen areas. My turn 1st, luckily getting to lead the pack behind the guide, she wasn't holding back at times and we had a hell of a lot of fun bouncing along the top of the world.

After a change over and photo stop it was Jill's time to have a go the rest of the way with me on the back.

Of course my added weight on the back ment we bottomed out a few times so Jill's solution was to go faster; we didn't turn it over but did have 'a moment' shall we say. Fantastic time and a lot of fun.